My bachelorette weekend was absolutely AMAZING! We went to Savannah for the weekend. My friends were such perfect party planners! Every little detail was perfect. My maid of honor, Alyssa, did such a wonderful job with everything! The town home we stayed was so adorable - it was right in the historic district, so we could walk everywhere. Let me just start at the beginning...(warning: super long post ahead)!
We both had Friday off, so we left home around noon and picked up my friend, Alison, from the airport (she flew in from D.C.!). The three of us then trekked down to Savannah and everyone else was waiting on us when we got there. We hung out for a while, catching up...I haven't seen some of these girls in quite a while. We all went out for a late dinner on River Street and drank some vino. It was so good just to see everyone!
Here is the town home where we stayed:

I loved this house right across the street for ours. The ivy growing on it was beautiful!
Michelle and I before dinner Friday

My BFF from Furman, Kaci!
Myself, Alyssa, Candace, and Alison (I look about 8 months pregnant in this picture...)

We went to bed fairly early since we all wanted to feel great for a Saturday of sightseeing! Saturday, we went to lunch at this great place called
B. Matthews. It was absolutely delicious! I had this amazing fried green tomato sandwich...I love southern cuisine :)
Myself, Alison, and Kaci at lunch

Alyssa and I downtown
After lunch and a tasty frozen strawberry daiquiri, we all took a carriage tour through Historic Savannah! This may have been one of my favorite parts of the weekend. I'm such a history buff and the weather could not have been more beautiful!
Kaci and I on the carriage tour:

After the carriage tour, Alyssa and Michelle snuck off back to our house to set up for my lingerie shower! It was AMAZING! They had the cutest decorations. Alyssa made me the CUTEST Bachelorette sash and veil...she sewed the whole thing herself! There seriously was so much detail that went into this shower. There were yummy cookies, cupcakes, and other desserts. They had champagne cocktails (my favorite)! It was so beautiful and so me!

They even had adorable goody bags for everyone!

Here is the adorable spread of food and drinks:

My beautifully wrapped lingerie gifts!

After playing a few fun games, we all showered and got ready for dinner and a night out on the town! We went to dinner at this awesome Jazz Tapas restaurant. The food was amazing.
Myself and Michelle on our way out (she was a trooper for a pregnant lady)!

Kaci and I:

I love this picture of Alyssa!

Myself, Alyssa, and Lindsey at dinner:

We had such an amazing time Saturday night! I loved hanging out with all my wonderful friends and I definitely missed the girls that couldn't be there. It was seriously better than anything I could have imagined! I love you all - thank you so much for everything!